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Managed Funds


The Managed Funds section of this website deals with both New Zealand and Australian funds with more of a focus on the former.


Are managed funds suitable for me?

Managed funds are for people with at least $10,000 to invest, who are mortgage and debt free and who do not need their money back over the next few years. 

The two big advantages of managed funds are firstly that the funds are managed by professionals and secondly that they give the small investor diversification and access to investing opportunities that the individual could not otherwise benefit from. 

Investing in managed funds usually makes good economic sense if you go about it the right way.   


Managed funds - the status

In March 2011, New Zealand managed funds had a market value of NZ$68 billion and Australia AU$1,452 billion. The following table shows where both countries invest their managed funds:



Managed Funds in NZ and AUS

31 March 2011 



Invested In


(NZD bn)


(AUD  bn) 

Domestic Equities Investments 8 440
Domestic Other Investments 29 774
Offshore Investments 31 238
Total Managed Funds 68 1452
as a % of GDP 35% 106%


NZ industry, capital markets and the economy have suffered significantly from a lack of local investment in equities and managed funds and the diversion of investment offshore or into residential property. The reverse has been true of Australia.


What is a managed fund?

A managed fund is money pooled together by many investors. That money is then invested by a manager in shares of say public companies or in other assets on behalf of all those investors. Generally the fund receives income and pays out some of that income as a regular ‘distribution’ to the investors.

The value of the investment rises or falls depending on the value of the underlying shares or other assets. The manager of a fund is called the investment manager or fund manager.


Steps to investing in a managed fund

There are advantages for the investor in managed funds (and also some pitfalls) irrespective of where those funds are ultimately invested. If you are thinking of investing in a managed fund, we strongly recommend you go through the following webpages in sequence:


Where to start

Be warned

Getting advice

Fees and costs

Selecting a fund

Buying a fund

Monitoring fund performance

Selling a fund

Tax consequences

Master Trusts



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Thank you so much for assisting with this. I contacted the registry today and they did confirm there are …… shares [value: $42,000] in my sister’s name. I have put ......... in contact with them so she can update her address and will thereafter be able to claim the dividends [value: $3764] and sell her shares if she chooses. We really appreciate your help, this money will be of huge assistance to ..... What a fantastic service you provide.