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Our name, InvestoGain, is an amalgam of “investigate” and “invest again”.
Invest again, notwithstanding previous investment failures, but investigate carefully first.
Investing to gain?
Too many people invest on a rumour, on a whim and a prayer, or because everybody else is. Don’t blindly accept conventional wisdom, don’t buy just because a share looks cheap. Try to understand what the company does and focus on its prospects. Do take a long hard look at the fundamentals and at the managers who run the company. Do buy shares as if you are buying a business to own, because essentially that’s what you are doing.
If you investigate carefully first, you will improve your chances of success greatly. It is vital that you do your research just as when you buy a TV or a car. And if you have more at stake, make sure you examine the possibilities even more thoroughly. Keep it simple and above all, use commonsense.