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Investment Clubs
Some investors benefit from pooling money with others every month, in the belief that their collective experience will produce a consensus on sensible market decisions. We are ambivalent about the value of investment clubs*, but provide the links below so that you can follow up if you wish.
ProShare Investment Clubs is a UK organisation and its site is worth a visit.
See also The Share Club.
* We note that the markets powered ahead during the years 2004 to 2007 (and it would have been difficult not to have made money over this period). By the same token it would have been difficult not to have lost money during 2008/2009 when the markets fell.
We do recommend membership of the New Zealand Shareholders Association. The NZSA provides a supportive environment for the shareholder, investment courses, a newsletter, representation at meetings and regular investment discussions at branch meetings. As a shareholder you also contribute to a more effective representative voice in the market place.